What are the 3 types of letter?

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Before you start writing a letter you should know which type of letter suits the best. This article will help you choose which letter type you need to choose.

In general, there are 3 main types of letters which are commonly used:

Formal letter

A formal letters is written using a formal language and a structured format to be used, this is usually used in workplaces, businesses, governments & authorities and much more.

Informal letter

An informal letter is used when we are writing to a friends, relatives etc. This type of letter also known as friendly letter is usually written for personal communications.

Semi-formal letter

A semi-formal letter is used addressing to a person you may know or have business relationship such as your assistant, advisor, teacher etc. It usually follows the same format as a formal letter.

Formal, Informal & Semi-formal  Expressions

Formal Informal Semi-formal
Dear Sir, or Dear Madam, Dear Mr John, or Dear Mrs Jane, Hi/Hello Sarah, Dear Mrs Jane, Dear Sir
I am writing with regards to … Just a brief note about … I'm writing concerning …
Please find attached this document concerning … I’ve attached this document concerning … Please find an attached document …
Yours Faithfully or Yours Sincerely Regards or Best Regards or Yours Truly Yours Faithfully/Sincerely/Truly
letters overview

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